Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas !!

Merry Christmas , God jul ( for you swedes mmmk?) , Happy Hannakuah...i spelled that wrong, im sorry, Happy Kwanza !

Ok - Today is Christmas day and Im going to use this oppertunity to rant on the american Government. When this country was formed, we were formed on Christianity and / or Freedom to worship as one pleases right?? Yeah man, its called the constitution. Yet more and more we're finding that those with no religion are trying to ...well piss on us who do chose to worship. and this isnt about Christians only, its about the muslims who are abused because of their faith, and the jews who are degraded because of what they believe. Everyone who choses to live here should have the right to worship , or not worship as they please. No one should force their faith or lack thereof on anyone. " Im so tired, but i cant sleep, standing on the edge of something much to deep " .... been contemplating that one lately.

ANYWAYS - Plans.. I'm going to my dads house today ... havent seen him since June when he decided to come around for my 20th birthday. I dunno where the hell we went wrong, but i wish i could reverse it. Somewhere between the time i was 2 and now, I/we fucked things up, majorly. But lets not worry about that right now, today is a day for celebration !

Anyways, I'm going to get ready to go, i wanna wish everyone a happy, safe and warm holiday regardless of what God/ Goddess you worship or dont worship... Love for all peoples...except the stupid people !

Thursday, December 14, 2006

St. Anger II

Heart beating to the rythm of the drums
Quick rapidity , pulsing anger, full of contempt for you

As the song changes so do my thoughts and the rythm changes
Pulsing my hearts beat with it
Slower this time, but heavier
More Bass, more passion, more anger

Now the song changes once again and so do my thoughts
No matter the song I still despise you and I will always hate you

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


seven is the word of the moment right now with me - it represents some personal things, but i find it imba mmk ?

Well, im so fucking depressed it's pathetic lol. Left my guild which i wont talk about because i KNOW some ppl read this. RL ppl are fucking mom and I over. My love life is good tho ! i found a wonderful guy, i adore him. somedays it seems like he's the only reason i get outta bed, as opposed to laying there reading all damn day, which sounds wonderful :) Im still on a rant and rave about Equal Rights for Emo's and Goths.. ye ye i know /wrists right ??

There was a discussion about me moving to PA with A. Pam and U. Rob... cant deny it's crossed my mind multiple times a day. Maybe up there i can detox from WoW / MMO's , find a publisher who WONT fuck me over, and see Hinder live baby ! oh yeah, and i wanna see the penn's play... GOGO PENS ! ( they've lost horribly the past like 6 years but who cares, I've got pittsburg love !)

I'm also going for Gastric By-pass surgery sometime in the newyear which is REALLY exciting, looking forward to getting into my size 12's again.. fo sure ??

BTW - Trust no one , people suck man

Song : People Hate me - Murderdolls ( oh so relavant )