Monday, November 27, 2006
This has been one hectic freaking week. thanksgiving, black friday, then we got an unsuspected visitor later friday evening ! Baby Issiah ! Woohooie ! His grandmom fell and broke 3 ribs and punctured a lung so she had to be rushed to the hospital so we took him while chrissy attended to her mom. He was here friday night and i barely got any sleep, saturday was different, he was here all day, i got 12 hours of sleep lol from 2pm-2am. he was up and down saturday night though and i was up with him but he went back to sleep soonish. Then sunday he went home around 8am. Motherhood is NOT FUNNY! lol . anyways, just an update to what ive been doing. not that any of you actually care of anything but still !
Monday, November 20, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
zombie brains - food for thought?
Regarding this
I would like to be the first one to say that what Jet says is true. The Goth / Emo way of life is ALWAYS underattack from mainstream media because we're darker then the rest. little is known about us because we stick to ourselves, we dont try to draw attention to ourselves. I know that story is older then moses's farts dust, but I've been wanting to make a post like this for a long time, and i just now getting my thoughts in order and I wanted to include that link.
some people, like the people who shoot others, give the real goths a bad name. The majority of goth / emo people are actually very tolerant of others, including gays, and minority races, unlike some mainstream people who commonly use words such as " faggot" and " nigger". Being the target of a constant lable attack sort of makes you less likely to lable someone else. We do encourage education of the world and the things going on, and we do think for ourselves insted of being apart of " trends " thats the beauty of it all. Sure, there are some people who dress goth / emo for the attention, and some people who do cut and self harm for attention, but in our culture they are the minority, such as goths and emos are the minority in mainstream culture.
I think everyone should take a lesson from the hippys. Learn to love someone, be blind with your eyes and see all with your heart. If you cannot be tolerable of someone, how can you expect someone to be tolerable of you ?
I would like to be the first one to say that what Jet says is true. The Goth / Emo way of life is ALWAYS underattack from mainstream media because we're darker then the rest. little is known about us because we stick to ourselves, we dont try to draw attention to ourselves. I know that story is older then moses's farts dust, but I've been wanting to make a post like this for a long time, and i just now getting my thoughts in order and I wanted to include that link.
some people, like the people who shoot others, give the real goths a bad name. The majority of goth / emo people are actually very tolerant of others, including gays, and minority races, unlike some mainstream people who commonly use words such as " faggot" and " nigger". Being the target of a constant lable attack sort of makes you less likely to lable someone else. We do encourage education of the world and the things going on, and we do think for ourselves insted of being apart of " trends " thats the beauty of it all. Sure, there are some people who dress goth / emo for the attention, and some people who do cut and self harm for attention, but in our culture they are the minority, such as goths and emos are the minority in mainstream culture.
I think everyone should take a lesson from the hippys. Learn to love someone, be blind with your eyes and see all with your heart. If you cannot be tolerable of someone, how can you expect someone to be tolerable of you ?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
updates !
Ok - i was craaaazy bored tonight, talking to a new friend i met on VF - whos really hot. Soooo I decided to customize my blog with uber reds, black and blues ! All of my favorites colors. the storm has passed, we've got alot of clean up to do tomorrow. <~ Meet Kenny, hot guy from VF. Im being naughty !
Got Wind ??

Monday, November 13, 2006
Faith or Psychotic ?
Alright - Havent posted in a few days and the reason for this is... I've been REALLY pondering Spirituality. This is most likely going to be one of the most boring posts I've ever done, so leave now while you have the chance...
My mom has a cousin - so this woman is my second cousin... well she's REALLY strong in her " faith " but the more I think on it, is this faith, or being a pure psycho. Im starting to lean towards her being psycho because the more I explore my own spirituality I find that its not all bible bashing, which is common sence, but I like to explore and I wanted to know.
After I've done my exploring, I think about all the things this woman has condemned me for. He claims I'm going to hell because
1) I listen to metal / Rock music ( i lol'd)
2) I wear all black the majority of the time ( I lol'd again)
3) a few of my bf's werent the same religion we are, meaning they were catholic ( I'm still loling)
4) I've had pre-marital sex ....that one is a sin, but I repent.
5) I have impure thoughts, which IS a sin...but we're all human, and we're all horny, we're made to reproduce and if we didnt have impure thoughts, well... our population prolly wouldnt be that high and the animals would be on the top of the food chain... even back to the days of the dino's and shit im SURE there was a cave man somewhere saying " damn she looks good in that loin cloth, im gonna go hump her stupid " - that made me lol
ok back to being serious....
The more I think and think , I dont REALLY think God would cast me into hell for my choice of clothes or music, I also have the ability to think for myself so... just because someone writes lyrics about being evil - Marilyn Manson comes to mind ! I like his music, but that doesnt mean im the Anti- Christ or that im going to go do some of the things he talks about.... so yeh, this woman is psychotic, but she wont seek help because she says that a therapist or medication will come " between me and my God " im like WHOA, another thing im going to hell for, I see a therapist ! well I'll be fucked
I lol'd ....
My mom has a cousin - so this woman is my second cousin... well she's REALLY strong in her " faith " but the more I think on it, is this faith, or being a pure psycho. Im starting to lean towards her being psycho because the more I explore my own spirituality I find that its not all bible bashing, which is common sence, but I like to explore and I wanted to know.
After I've done my exploring, I think about all the things this woman has condemned me for. He claims I'm going to hell because
1) I listen to metal / Rock music ( i lol'd)
2) I wear all black the majority of the time ( I lol'd again)
3) a few of my bf's werent the same religion we are, meaning they were catholic ( I'm still loling)
4) I've had pre-marital sex ....that one is a sin, but I repent.
5) I have impure thoughts, which IS a sin...but we're all human, and we're all horny, we're made to reproduce and if we didnt have impure thoughts, well... our population prolly wouldnt be that high and the animals would be on the top of the food chain... even back to the days of the dino's and shit im SURE there was a cave man somewhere saying " damn she looks good in that loin cloth, im gonna go hump her stupid " - that made me lol
ok back to being serious....
The more I think and think , I dont REALLY think God would cast me into hell for my choice of clothes or music, I also have the ability to think for myself so... just because someone writes lyrics about being evil - Marilyn Manson comes to mind ! I like his music, but that doesnt mean im the Anti- Christ or that im going to go do some of the things he talks about.... so yeh, this woman is psychotic, but she wont seek help because she says that a therapist or medication will come " between me and my God " im like WHOA, another thing im going to hell for, I see a therapist ! well I'll be fucked
I lol'd ....
Friday, November 10, 2006
that is for all you people out there - you know who you are. Have a nice day :)
a little freelance writing for you while im here !
Riddle me this, riddle me that, what is another word for a cat
If you guess pussy then you are correct, who this poem is ment for, you'll never suspect
You played your game but now I see, that you were only doing it to take the piss out of me
I'm smarter now then i was before, I'm going to leave peacefully and let you be the whore
One cock , two cock, 3 cock stop, i used to think you were my friend but now i know you're not
I can finally look back now and honestly say - Im glad to be rid of you, in everyway
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Updated my links at the right hand side of the blog because most of the ones i had up there were old and outdated and shit. New stuff - Still the superfish , my favorite celeb bashing site, and 2 of my favorite blogs that i read daily ! im tired, im bitchy and im just generally fed up with life, i think i may spend tomorrow in bed sipping tea, not sure tho. i got my mage to lvl 10 today, which ISNT that good because i was lvl 8 when i logged on... yeh im a real fucking slacker, and im dreading going through that whole tedious process again, barrens, ashenvale, stm, desolace, ect ect boring as all fuck. did it once with my druid, then hunter, then warlock whos only lvl 38 because ive forgotten where to lvl her at... didnt have any quests in the log the last time i logged onto her...anyways, i think with TBC drops im going to make a BE paladin and warlock ... i dunno paladins seem REALLY dull and boring... so maybe just a warlock, who knows. I've already picked out an uber paladin name. fuck knows. anyways, im gone ! had a shitty day and im going to bed early so i can just relax and forget i exist !
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Tears of a Broken Heart
Fresh from my fucked up mind - for your reading pleasure !
Unconditional love is a moot point
When all this world see's is lies
Superficial value put on human emotion
too often is honesty taken for granted
too often is a soul left jaded
Peopled used to say that the best things in life are free
but in today's society that isnt the way to be
breast enhancement and lipo will lead the way
Leaving no one unloved untill the day, when all that doesnt matter and all that you have left is the ones you rejected and pushed away
( isnt it weird how one can go from REALLY happy to depressed in like an hour - bipolar FTW man)
Unconditional love is a moot point
When all this world see's is lies
Superficial value put on human emotion
too often is honesty taken for granted
too often is a soul left jaded
Peopled used to say that the best things in life are free
but in today's society that isnt the way to be
breast enhancement and lipo will lead the way
Leaving no one unloved untill the day, when all that doesnt matter and all that you have left is the ones you rejected and pushed away
( isnt it weird how one can go from REALLY happy to depressed in like an hour - bipolar FTW man)
because Thomas told me too - the nubcake. I really dont have anything to talk about other then the fact that because we talk on vent all day people think im cybering him or someshit - which honestly makes me i was in a VERY sadistic mood earlier - and it was hilarious. basically this market america shit that my moms family has been trying to get her into has REALLY backfired and im kinda giggling, pointing and saying " haha told yall ! " I dunno, i think its cruel to laugh at ones misfortunes but when you are so willing to trick and decieve your supposed friends and family into buying products that arent worth a damn just because you think you can make a profit and then it backfires, i get my jollies. Evil bitch = guilty as charged baby ! I dunno... I feel sorry for most people when bad stuff happens, but when people walk into an obvious scam like this, and use no fucking common sence, i am bound to laugh when it all takes a flush in the throne. Anyways - enough of my ranting - im going to go celebrate the recently announced divorce of britney spears and K-fag...K-douche... K-que.... wait whats his name? anyways, K something then earl in the middle...
Monday, November 06, 2006
What its like ! really !
Well isnt this cool. Here recently I've come under critisizm for what I've written on this lovely little blog. More specifically for my opinion on some people who appear to be a little touchy ! It seems a little... weird that they will be the first one to insult me, dish out negative comments towards me and others, but when i return the favor I am slammed for my opinion. I think its funny actually. Lots of people insult others, but when I do it, its a problem.. Maybe its because im too damn open with my opinion and i really dont give a fuck who hears it or what people think of me. I think thats an important quality for an artist to have... our work will come under critisizm for some reason or another - and you just needa tell them where to stick it and how to rotate it.. I dunno... been kinda angry here lately and I really dunno why ... that comment alone will get me alot of " emo " comments - and again fuck'em :P really. wonder if i can host a video on this blog... lemme check !
I just put up Vermillion PT. 2 up .... good video and its kind of how i feel atm, been listening to it alot here lately. That and some oldschool nirvana tracks. Downloading some videos atm from limewire - im gonna make a slideshow or smt creative. Tired of being so idle and numb... anyways, im gonna go
I just put up Vermillion PT. 2 up .... good video and its kind of how i feel atm, been listening to it alot here lately. That and some oldschool nirvana tracks. Downloading some videos atm from limewire - im gonna make a slideshow or smt creative. Tired of being so idle and numb... anyways, im gonna go
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006
To make you happy I would steal the stars from the sky and make them dance around in your eyes in a beautiful ballet of compassion.
For your love I would write your name across the sky. When you're around I know I'm safe, when you're near I will have no fear.
To be close to you , I would swim the seven sea's one at a time, and finally crawl to your arms knowing you are mine...
To Whom I promised the Poem <3 you
For your love I would write your name across the sky. When you're around I know I'm safe, when you're near I will have no fear.
To be close to you , I would swim the seven sea's one at a time, and finally crawl to your arms knowing you are mine...
To Whom I promised the Poem <3 you
Thursday, November 02, 2006
And then the tauren said " 13 inches ! "
" What doesnt kill us only makes us stronger "
Cookie to the person who guesses the song title and the band who plays it!!
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