that is for all you people out there - you know who you are. Have a nice day :)
a little freelance writing for you while im here !
Riddle me this, riddle me that, what is another word for a cat
If you guess pussy then you are correct, who this poem is ment for, you'll never suspect
You played your game but now I see, that you were only doing it to take the piss out of me
I'm smarter now then i was before, I'm going to leave peacefully and let you be the whore
One cock , two cock, 3 cock stop, i used to think you were my friend but now i know you're not
I can finally look back now and honestly say - Im glad to be rid of you, in everyway
Nice, when u cant spit more on these person, tell me it, i ll help u.
1 day...
U ll be lucky...
and someone...
will present u...
an icecream...
Good luck in futhure.
Thanks! didnt know anyone read my PoS blog ! i feel loved, and i have ice cream
Take care..
Beware! Dont lick
these pussy that u spit.
Someone is a whore, is a bitch.
I smell, something stinks...
Wait! Perhaps your things.
3 cock, 2 cock, 1 drood,
no icecream for u.
If u feel frienship there
i dont see it anywhere.
I betcha think this poem is about you, i betcha think this poem is about you, dont you dont you, dont you.... your soooo vain
this poem was written for some people in know in RL - SOOO " from exile " if your someone i know in WoW - please disregard this post !
A little tear falls down on my face
Auch! She thinks that is a stupid poem.
L2read, L2think.
Cynism, Sarcasm and Pessimism i have,
and u? U got an advise and more stuff.
Are u sure its for WoW life?
No, no, read, that is an advise.
it's for someone 'IRL' you say? Wow so far from your blog I'd guessed wow was your life, you don't appear to do anything else (apart from eat and try to appear special)
So someone you know IRL, okay so far it sounds like a prostitute, so you used t sell yourself but you weren't as desirable as the other girls so you left because of jealousy?
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