Despite it being after midnight I'm in a surprisingly good mood. Spent some time with Oliver this evening... thats the guy I'm going to marry, he just doesnt know it yet. I finshed reading the last book in the Merry Gentry series by Laurel K. Hamilton, a minor achievement. I'm attempting to eat a bowl of chicken noodle soup - and I say attempting because I'm desperately picking around the chicken... Why cant they make chicken noodle soup w/o the chicken... Ofc - you have ramen noodles but they arent as good as the canned soup. I suppose I should tell you a little about myself but that would be too cliche.. the first post of someones blog...ect ect.. so what im going to do is give you a top 10! Draw from them what you will about my personality or lack there of and make your own conclusions...
Top 10 Books....
1) Obsidian Butterfly - Laurel K. Hamilton
2) A kiss of Shadows - Same author as before!
3) The whole Wheel of Time series - Robert Jordan
4) The Color of magic - Terry Pratchet
5) Any of the versions of Dracula, read enough of them and they are each different- various authors
6) Cosmo Magazine ... not a book but I love to read it
7) Strange Candy - Laurel K. Hamilton
8) LOTR series - Tolkien
9) Chronicals of Narnia - i forgot who wrote them
10) The Harry Potter series - i forget her name too.. J. R something
Top 10 Movies! ...
1) The Crow - self explanatory
2) The Long kiss Goodnight
3) Underworld Evolution - just plain better then the first one
4) the LOTR Series - Peter Jackson is brilliant
5) StarWars Episode 1 - I only watch it for JarJar
6) Any James Bond film with Peirce Brosnan - not because he's sexy, but because he's the better actor.
7) Aeon Flux - Charlize Theron - nuff said imo...
8) Robin Hood Men in Tights - nuff said again ...
9) The Harry Potter series - the acting of all parties is gimp in the first one , but the skills of all involved quickly improve in the following films
10) Interview with the Vampire ... i like vampire stories !
Top 10 songs! ....
1) Enter Sandman - Metallica
2) Before I forget - Slipknot
3) Wait and Bleed - Slipknot
4) My December - Linkin Park
5) Numb - Linkin Park
6) Easier to Run - Linkin park .... I notice a pattern...
7) Where'd you go - Fort Minor
8) Remember the name - Fort Minor
9) Believe me - Fort Minor
10) Minority -Greenday
Ok - I think that covers it ...
I may go work on my book - which I
HOPE to have out by December but it doesn't look promising. I seem to have run out of poetry to write, or ideas to turn into poetry to write. Perhaps its because I'm happy for a change and I've got nothing left to be sad about... HA that'll last a long time.
Chances I'll be depressed tomorrow ....80/20
Oh, I thought of another top 10 - but insted its only going to be 5 cause I cant think of that many things!
Top 5 Favorite Foods....
1) Lasagna
2) Peanutbutter cookies - the home made kind
3) Watermelon
4) Corn on the Cob!
5) Apples !
Ok - I'm going to go read now - I've run out of things to say and if I keep on rambling, I'll become cliche !