Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Yet another top 10...

Top 10 reasons I'd rather live somewhere else ....

1) George W. Bush
2) Paris Hilton - I know she travels the world, but I figure if I live in Europe , my chances of catching herpies or some other mutated STD VIA drinking water is less then if I remain in America...
3) Nipplegate ... nuff said
4) 9/11 ... everyone knows it was planned and staged by the US Government - its only a matter of time before them bomb the other cities...
5) Kevin Federline " K-fed" .... I feel that if I lived in Europe , my mind would be out of reach of his brainless dribble he calls " music "
6) The on going incident in Iraq the president refers too as " anti terrorism " , Bush is the only terrorist in that situation
7) Belgian Chocolate ... nuff said
8) Lindsay Lohan - See paris hilton comment
9) David Beckham - nuff said
9.5) The Pending ban on Gay marriage - everyone should be able to marry anyone they want too. Marriage shouldnt be restricted to the Strait white man only ... /sigh
10) Freedom to Pratice my Religion ... now I KNOW that america is " Land of the Free" but here recently anyone attempting to pratice their religion is condemned. Be you Christian or otherwise, it seems as if people in general as well as government officials are trying to rob all americans of their constitutional right to freedom of religion... it pisses me off. Being a Christian myself, it pisses me off even more, but I see it from other people who wish to pratice their religion openly. It cannot be easy for a muslim to pratice his religion over here with all the " anti terror " going on , and it REALLY cannot be easy to be Jewish after Mel Gibson's drunken rant. Thats not to mention the Wiccans who are labled " satanic " by those with out the brain capacity to understand their religion. I would be a little less pessimistic about these people if they would take the time to read on different religions THEN make an educated judgement, but in these times, the only education most people get is playboy magazing and MTV. My little black heart goes out to everyone , of all religions who wish to pratice religion in america.

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