Friday, October 20, 2006

The druid.. the Warlock and her pet mage....

Yesterday was a surprisingly good day, aside from my mom physically assulting me. =) She thinks she's funny, but what she's really doing is taking the piss out of the fact that she can tease me, pinch me, and hurt me in other ways and I wont retaliate. I managed to make it in time for the last boss on yesterday's Naxx raid - i ALLLLMOST won a cool idol except Deadend ninja'd it from me... bastard. Well he didnt ninja... I passed, but saying he ninja'd sounds better on my behalf. Afterwards I was going to go farm dreamfoil for potions and flasks and junk, but insted I ended up going to DM East with Oliver and Craig - while on ventrillo... it was a blast - Craig tells the best jokes, Oliver isnt afraid to share his feelings openly, its all good ! Hence, The druid, the warlock and her pet mage! Maybe I'm the only one who finds it funny, maybe I'm also the only one who see's blogging as a perfectly good excuse to talk to yourself... or rather type to yourself cause you KNOW no one is going to read it unless you force them too by randomly linking it to people on your MSN contact list. Anyways - today promises to be a fun filled day. Zul'Garub at 19.00 which is...13.00 for me, before that I need to farm like 30 dreamfoil which is going to blow. Then... eh I dunno - Prolly some more random instance runs with my 2 favorite guys ! Either way - despite it being 3am, im quite opptimistic for a change. It may be a good day after all !!

Cheers - Jae ( Naid )

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